Stand out from the crowd with ux Writing review Services
Let’s get you ahead of your competition.
Not sure whether your portfolio hits the nail on the head? Your CV feels inconsistent? I got you: Let me review your application documents to get you ready to land your UX Writing dream job.
Your CV is the door opener to your UX Writing job, as it boils down your skills and experience. However, many career switchers struggle with presenting their professional history in good light, making sense of their past positions, and much more. If that’s you – let me help!
Portfolio Review
A strong portfolio is absolute key to securing a position in the competitive UX Writing job market. Whether you are a junior, senior, or aspiring UX Writer, a systematic review of your portfolio will give you the right feedback to make you stand out.
Get Advice from an Industry expert
I have been part of UX Writing hiring processes for many years – on both sides. Through the years, I have learned the difference between a good, solid portfolio and a portfolio that actually gets you the job. The same is true for your CV: Hiring managers only invest a few minutes scanning your resume until they make the decision to either reject or invite you. Let me help you with reviewing your application material so we can make you stand out of the crowd and land your dream role!
Hear what students say
“I love her energy. It keeps me motivated!”
Nishi B.
“Dr. Grimm walks a perfect balance between education and excitement about the course, and presents the material in the tone of an ideal teacher. Her style is matter-of-fact, yet accessible, teaching you the material step by step and leaving you eager to learn more.”
Rowan W.
“For one, her voice is so calming so it eliminates the anxiety normally present with learning something completely new. Her instruction is also clear and concise, so it is easy to grasp the concepts illustrated. Great work!!”